
March Madness

I have talked to some folks at L/F about having a pin-up there on Friday, March 16th at 3:30. This will give us a great milestone to shoot for. How does that grab everybody? I have a feeling Pliny will be sympathetic to y'all taking a couple of hours off (as long as you make up the time...). If he doesn't have to be at A&M he should come along. There will likely be more than one Center ghost in sitting in.

So...how does the time/place sound. Speak now or forever hold your peace!


shoju said...

I've got plans that weekend, so I would head back to Austin afterwards, but the date and our remaining time frame sounds good.

And David - I'll get in touch with Erin about roping us some gear.

Ben said...

sounds good. i go skydiving the next day so if i perish, at least my contributions will live on!

Johnny said...

Day and time sound good to me. I think it would be good if any of us who can, could hang around for a bit after the meeting. We should try continue the ball rolling. Any takers?

ddewane said...

I will put in time afterwords.

Andrew Blaisdell said...

So sorry to leave this so many days after the post. I know you need to get back to the coworkers who will be sitting in. Unfortunately I will be leaving for Minnesota on that Friday afternoon and returning on Wednesday so I won't be able to make that date. Sorry again.