I've worked with David's existing plan and made adjustments so that the boundary/ecotone between the garden and the functions flanking the center (playground and theater) is much more generous than before. Additionally the curving fence has been slightly more regularized and in it is incorporated a water harvesting system --- which is the perspective image you see. Putting two of C shaped fences together making for water catchment between the two -- and at regular intervals when Cisterns are placed. Harvested rain water for irrigation of the garden. In the plan I also diagrammed a red strip at the North end of the Garden between it and the Orchard -- not marking that as a sharp Ecotone but rather bringing attention to the subtle gradual change between ecosystems that needs to occur there --- wanted to demarcate it to see if anyone has any ideas about that transition -- i'm going to work on some myself. (*note: colors are diagrammatic)
I think it is a good direction and has great potential for ecotone expression. I think it would be interesting to orientate the tanks horizontally and place them right at the point where the two C's connect. This would allow for an unbroken wall - which adds to its funtionallity. there could also be signage on one side for educating the public....more later.
I dig! it does seem that we would have to be very creative to have a fence as a rainwater collection surface because there is generally not much surface on the top of a fence, but it makes great sense to use water tanks as a garden fence/boundry.
PS john i miss you ;)
I like it a lot, but I'm hesitant about the potential lack of visibility between the garden and its adjacencies.
look j bear.... there will be no obstruction of vision between garden and its adjancies --- the fence is solid in this model, because it is merely a massing exercise to examine the basic form. the top of the fence could be constructed of a solid corrugated sheet metal (or something to that affect)--- while the lower parts of the fence could be a chain link fence, or hog wire... i'll try to get to that level of detail in my next post. i think the idea of connecting the two C shapes with a horiontal cistern makes for a more fluid diagram, but blocking off the two sections with a solid material might make the inhabital spaces of the fence seem to private... but that may end up being a good thing seeing as they are 20 some odd feet...
ben i miss you too butter cup.
If the cisterns are shaded they will stay cool in the summer months and could create a much more desirable place to sit. If they get a lot of direct sun they will definitely get hot and radiate hot air around them making for a less desirable place to sit. Daves comment of putting them horizontally could make this work, but I do like the how it creates a pattern with this vertical forms in a very horizontal element. I might also like to see some actual brakes everyone and a while. Another thought... if they are absorbing heat maybe they create the shade for the seating and act as a solar hot water heater.
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