I was able to shrink the the contuer map so that we can work on it more efficiently. If you look closely there is some jaggedness in parts of the map. This is due to the fact I I left the layer on for existing buildings. Does anyone want me to redo the map so that it is a bit smoother, it will not take too long.
So here is an example of a spectrum of ecotones. When entering the park via top right path, one is greeted by wildflowers/native grasses to the right. To the left is orchard with flowers underneith. Path bisects first ecotone. Under orchard can be berries. Orchard then provides some shade for garden plots. (Lettuce may like some shade)
Pretty Pictures
A Walk in the Park
This system of trails is based on a few assumptions: (1) we will create a southern access, (2) pedestrians will be entering the park via the north, east, and south corners, and (3) those with cars (not using the recreation center) will be using the lot we've designated along Fiskeville Cemetery Rd (in brown). The circuit fosters a "crossing" at our intended center, and the northeastern path bisects the orchard. Also, there is a linear stretch linking the parking lot to the center - this allows for the visual experience David described in the first meeting.
This plan may stubbornly ignore the massive retaining pond, but it definitely lends itself to adjustment and is highly dependent on the rest of our layout. We also need to consider trails in the context of their "three phases of design", and take into account existing pathways, such as the sidewalk along the northern perimeter.
SoilMap : Geology Of Gus Garcia Park
Fs- Oakall Soils (95%)
UsC- Urban Lands Austin (60%)
UtD- Urban Lands Austin (30%) & Whitewright soils (25%) Shallow Bedrock
Corrosion of Concrete
Fs- Low
HsD- Low
UsC- Null
UtD- Low
Corrosion of Steel
HsD- High
UsC- Null
UtD- High
Dwellings with Basements
Fs- Very Limited- Flooding
HsD- Very Limited
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Not Rated
Dwellings without Basements
Fs- Very Limited- Flooding
HsD- Very Limited
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Somewhat Limited
Lawn, Landscape, Golf Fairway
Fs- Very Limited- Flooding, Carbonate Content
HsD- Very Limited- Too Clayey
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Very Limited- Too Clayey, Carbonate Content, Depth to Bedrock
Local Roads and Streets
HsD- Very Limited- Shrink-Swell, Low Strength
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Very Limited- Shrink-Swell, Low Stength
Shallow Excavations
HsD- Very
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Not Rated
Small Commercial Buildings
HsD- Very Limited- Shrink Swell
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Somewhat Limited- Shrink Swell, Depth to Soft Bedrock
Construction Material
Gravel Source
Fs- Poor
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
Fs- Poor
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
Fs- Poor
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
Fs- Poor
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
Topsoil Source
Fs- Poor
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
Compost Medium and Final Cover
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
HsD- Null
UsC- Null
UtD- Null
Farmland Classification
HsD- Not Prime Farmland
UsC- Not Prime Farmland
UtD- Not Prime Farmland
Construction Limitations for Haul Roads, Log Landings
HsD- Moderate- Low Strength
UsC- Slight
UtD- Moderate- Low Strength
Conventional Tillage
HsD- Good- Slow Percolation
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Not Rated
HsD- Poorly Suited
UsC- Well Suited
UtD- Well Suited
Let's talk about ecotones
A concept is an abstract idea or a mental symbol, typically associated with a corresponding representation in language or symbology, that denotes all of the objects in a given category or class of entities, interactions, phenomena, or relationships between them.
To quilt is to stitch together (two pieces of cloth and a soft interlining [or ecosystems]), usually in an ornamental pattern.
An ecosystem, a contraction of "ecological" and "system", refers to the collection of biotic and abiotic components and processes that comprise and govern the behavior of some defined subset of the biosphere. Elements of an ecosystem may include flora, fauna, lower life forms, water and soil.
An ecotone is a transition area between two adjacent ecological communities (ecosystems). It may appear on the ground as a gradual blending of the two communities across a broad area, or it may manifest itself as a sharp boundary line. Changes in the physical environment may produce a sharp boundary, as in the example of a shoreline or the interface between areas of forest and cleared land. Elsewhere, a more gradually blended interface area will be found, where species from each community will be found together as well as unique local species.
What I am proposing we adopt as our concept is the quilting together of a series of unique ecosystems. The critical part of this design would be the articulation of the ecotone, or intersection between two ecosystems. To reinforce this concept, the built form would take on one of two roles:
1 - Individual buildings that support the clear definition of one particular ecosystem. This could be achieved by the building-type we discussed Sunday (the pavilions) and other free standing structures.
2 - Elements that act as ecotones: constructed elements (ie fences, walls), planted elements, or sculpted landscapes. These elements would allow us to develop a sophisticated (hopefully) legible organization of the diverse elements of our scheme.
This tangent was spurred by Ariel's comment last week that he envisioned the area as a greenbelt and that with built form fragmented throughout. All I am suggesting is that we recognise the unique qualities of the different zones (ie native texas landscape, constructed wetland, forest, garden, orchard, urban) and define them; in this case as ecosystems. Instead of fragmenting form, we use it as the thread to stitch everything together.
Rem Koolhaas' IIT Building in Chicago. This Interior stair has a ramp that angles and cuts through it making it universally accessible. Was thinking this would be a great catalyst for the outdoor theater. Parts of the Ramp could be wider than accessibly necessary and in those locations we could place trees for shade.
Apologies, etc.
Justin and I were going to meet tonight, but HE'S A BIG BIRTHDAY BOY! so we will either meet tomorrow night or else we'll split up some stuff. I would personally like to work on the cemetery facade/grassland prairie idea if everyone thinks that is a worthwhile venture. I would like to help on the path/frisbee golf (<--really?) part too, but we need to know the area where that would likely happen.
an ox!
Divide and Conquer
Johnny- theater and behind theater
Ben - orchard and garden layout, precedent images, disc golf course
Ariel - greenbelt, wetlands, theater space, ideas about pavilion
David - square and street
Rachel- Playground,1st draft of scaled master plan, native plants from green guide (anyone else can pick this up at the center and make suggestions too)
Andrew and Justin - truant....didn't want to speak for you guys, but some gaps are hike/bike trails and their relationship to the disk golf as way to unify all experiences of site. Feel free to help any of the above with their stuff as well. Also, talk to someone about the "Jack-in-the-Box Pavilion Building" concept.
Community Gardens
Well, here we are
So here's the park site (click on the image to download the pdf). Each of you can now author posts, so scan your drawings and upload the jpegs. Ben can even post his distribution of quick eats in the area.
In addition to individual layouts and ideas, Andrew and I will gather more information on the cemetery. It may also be beneficial to contact an administrator at the Middle School to see if they have specific needs we could consider in our design.