Gus would be proud
Fs- Oakall Soils (95%)
UsC- Urban Lands Austin (60%)
UtD- Urban Lands Austin (30%) & Whitewright soils (25%) Shallow Bedrock
Corrosion of Concrete
Fs- Low
HsD- Low
UsC- Null
UtD- Low
Corrosion of Steel
HsD- High
UsC- Null
UtD- High
Dwellings with Basements
Fs- Very Limited- Flooding
HsD- Very Limited
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Not Rated
Dwellings without Basements
Fs- Very Limited- Flooding
HsD- Very Limited
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Somewhat Limited
Lawn, Landscape, Golf Fairway
Fs- Very Limited- Flooding, Carbonate Content
HsD- Very Limited- Too Clayey
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Very Limited- Too Clayey, Carbonate Content, Depth to Bedrock
Local Roads and Streets
HsD- Very Limited- Shrink-Swell, Low Strength
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Very Limited- Shrink-Swell, Low Stength
Shallow Excavations
HsD- Very
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Not Rated
Small Commercial Buildings
HsD- Very Limited- Shrink Swell
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Somewhat Limited- Shrink Swell, Depth to Soft Bedrock
Construction Material
Gravel Source
Fs- Poor
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
Fs- Poor
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
Fs- Poor
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
Fs- Poor
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
Topsoil Source
Fs- Poor
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
Compost Medium and Final Cover
HsD- Poor
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Poor
HsD- Null
UsC- Null
UtD- Null
Farmland Classification
HsD- Not Prime Farmland
UsC- Not Prime Farmland
UtD- Not Prime Farmland
Construction Limitations for Haul Roads, Log Landings
HsD- Moderate- Low Strength
UsC- Slight
UtD- Moderate- Low Strength
Conventional Tillage
HsD- Good- Slow Percolation
UsC- Not Rated
UtD- Not Rated
HsD- Poorly Suited
UsC- Well Suited
UtD- Well Suited
An ecotone is a transition area between two adjacent ecological communities (ecosystems). It may appear on the ground as a gradual blending of the two communities across a broad area, or it may manifest itself as a sharp boundary line. Changes in the physical environment may produce a sharp boundary, as in the example of a shoreline or the interface between areas of forest and cleared land. Elsewhere, a more gradually blended interface area will be found, where species from each community will be found together as well as unique local species.